Thursday, July 14, 2011

Questions to Ask Seniors

Questions to ask seniors
  1. Where and when were you born?
  2. Who were your parents and what were there jobs?
  3. What is the earlies memory that you can recall?
  4. Did you have any sibilings?
  5. What was your earliest memory of school?
  6. What was your favorite subject in school?
  7. What was your least favorite subject in school and why?
  8. Who were some of your favorite teachers and why?
  9. Who were some of your least favorite teachers and why?
  10. What were some after school activities you were involved in?

  11. Who was your best friend in school?
  12. Who was your favorite teacher?
  13. Did you like your principle of your Jr. High School, high school or elementary school?
  14. What kind of sport teams did they have at your Jr. High School,high schooo, elementary school?
  15. What school did you go to?
  16. Did he have his first love in Jr. High,high school, elementary school?
  17. Who was your first sweetheart?
  18. Were there any school dances?
  19. What school activates did you have?
  20. Did you play sports?

  21. What grades did you have?
  22. What was the most technological thing in your school days?
  23. What was your first Job?
  24. When did you learn to drive and what was the first vehical you drove?
  25. What did you do in the summertime as a child, teenager, adult?
  26. When did you first meet your spouce?
  27. What was your first date like?
  28. When did you get married?
  29. What do you recall about your courtship?
  30. What was life like when your first child was born ect?

  31. What was it like when your first grandchild was born?
  32. What was your wedding day like?
  33. What was your childs wedding day like?


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